About Us

Psalm 77:11 “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.”

The journey of receiving salvation in Christ is ongoing and requires constant, unwavering faith. And though we carry that in our heart and soul, we believe it’s essential to embody it, as sanctification is one of our core missions.

Lux Salve Jewelry came about as a product of this thought. My husband (Raymund) and I are passionate about Christian-themed jewelry, which led us to start this venture. Fun fact: My husband was the inspiration behind the name! Lux (from Latin: meaning light) and Salve (from Latin: to be well) are meant to bring sheer light and comfort to our fellow Christians.

We want our jewelry to remind the person wearing it, of their faith in our Lord and Savior. We are a small business, and our true end goal of this venture is to bring joy to as many people as possible through their love for Christ. We aim to inspire believers and bring them hope whenever they look at their jewelry.

We came up with ideas for the jewelry designs by noting the important symbols of Christianity that serve as an instant reminder of our faith. Most jewelry rings, in particular, are significant metaphors that represent eternity, love, and commitment. Being married and promising ourselves to each other forever and symbolizing that with a ring is also a poignant reason for us being so passionate about showcasing our faith through jewelry.

We hope our efforts to reflect God’s light through our collections are evident and heighten or further solidify your undying devotion to the Lord.